
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

We Help Around Pakistan

Prosthetic Services List

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Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment and Evaluation

Comprehensive evaluation of the patient's needs, including physical examination and gait analysis. Comprehensive consultation and Muscle grading
Prescribing Ideal Prosthetic device

Prescribing Ideal Prosthetic device

After thorough assessment to prescribe best possible device according to patient needs and requiremnet.
Custom Design Sockets and Fabrication

Custom Design Sockets and Fabrication

Designing and creating custom socket tailored to the individual's specific requirements.
Fitting and Adjustment

Fitting and Adjustment

Ensuring the prosthetics device fits comfortably and functions as intended, with adjustments as necessary.
Material and company selection, Consultation

Material and company selection, Consultation

PP Technology
- Modular Technology
Chinese, Turkish, German
Lower Body Prosthetics

Lower Body Prosthetics

Partial Foot Prosthesis
Transtibial Prosthesis
Transfemoral Prosthesis
Knee Dis articulation Prosthesis
Hip Dis articulation Prosthesis
Upper Body Prosthetics

Upper Body Prosthetics

Wrist Dis articulation Prosthesis, Trans Radial Prosthesis, Trans Femoral Prosthesis, Shoulder Disarticulation Prosthesis